Archiv(e) Newsletter, "polyaesthetica"
POLYAESTHETICA 2021-11 Basic Letter 04-en
We are reporting about
- first results of academic students about "Perform in the arts, how nature affects"
- the increasing number of examples in the "Pool of Ideas"
- planning the 40th anniversary of IGPE 2022
- deepening the cooperation with the EUROPEAN GRADUATE SCHOOL
- the "AGRI-project" of Walter and Grace Hahn and the parcours of senses in the Philippines
Dear members and friends of the International Society for Polyaesthetic Education!
I would like to thank all those who are currently working on the issue "Perform in the arts, how nature affects" for enduring all the schedule changes of the administrations at the universities and still sticking to the plan. With this, I will dispense with all the boring explanations as to why our writing finally made sense not earlier than today.
The first academic workout about "Perform in the arts, how nature affects"
Students of music education of the Gakugei University Tokyo reflected with their professor Dr. Masayuki Nakaji on this task musically. They composed, improvised and played music and created three video films. With this they participate in the project to which "Polyaesthetic Bildung International" had invited cross-culturally. Students of Dr. Anna Zembala at the German University of Applied Sciences Cologne started to reflect the work. Both groups intend to share their experiences. Further groups of students are going to be integrated artistically and pedagogically.
Please feel free to join in, write your impressions, send a video commentary or use even more creative modes of expression.
The "pool of ideas" is filled richly
More than 20 examples represent the diversity of perspectives how Polyaesthetics takes approaches to a special task artistically.
- „Pool of Ideas: "perform in the arts how nature affects“ (Translation in progress)
2022: 40th anniversary of „IGPE“
In 2022 the International Society for Polyaesthetic Education "IGPE" celebrates its 40th anniversary. Wolfgang Roscher founded the society and was leading it for about 20 years. Building on his concept, we have been developing Polyaesthetics for more than 20 years now. Our activities in 2022 we subordinate the motto "What touches the senses". As soon as event management security permits, we will provide further details.
However, the proven university cooperation axis Cologne - Budapest - Tokyo and some of our members have assured their participation and have already started to work with this task.
Deepening the cooperation with EUROPEAN GRADUATE SCHOOL (EGS)
Gerhard Hofbauer is a member of the foundation board, the supervisory board of the EGS and was Lecturer in the sommerschool 2021. Paolo Knill had integrated Wolfgang Roscher's Polyaesthetics as one of the basic theories in his methodological work "Expressive Arts Therapy". During a long friendship of Gerhard Hofbauer with Paolo Knill (+2020) the exchange has deepened and is going to be continued in the future.
- Link to the lecture (English): „The theory of Polyaesthetics as the fundamental basis of Expressive Arts Therapy in the work of Paolo Knill”
Perhaps some will remember Walter Hahn and his wife Grace, who participated in the symposium in Linz and Wilhering. We have been in contact ever since. On an anthroposophical basis, they have been running an agricultural project in one of the poorer regions of the Philippines with great idealism for many years. We like to share a youtube video about their work.
- Link to the youtube-video of Koberwitz 1924
Probably, we all are going to face a contemplative time in the coming months
We would appreciate if you stayed in touch with us and with our goal to keep all senses awake and to concentrate on getting more "grounded" and to focus on what strengthens us. To put down strong and healthy roots may us enable to grow and withstand stronger storms. We send good wishes to all that it succeeds.
With best regards on behalf of the board
Gerhard Hofbauer
POLYAESTHETICA 2021-07 Basic Letter 03-en
Monthly Newsletter June/July, 2021, of the International Society for Polyaesthetic Education (IGPE)
With the best greetings from Salzburg we are proud to inform you about ->
- Intercultural and international symposium from 12 to 13 November 2011 at the Fachhochschule Nordrhein Westfalen Cologne
- Polyaesthetic lecture at the European Graduate School, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, “The theory of Polyaesthetics is a fundamental basis of Expressive Arts” (Paolo Knill, +2020)
- 40 Year Anniversary of IGPE, 2022
Intercultural and international symposium from 12 to 13 November 2021 at the Fachhochschule Nordrhein Westfalen Cologne
What the Senses Moves.
Resources of sensory experience in a comparison of museum visits and nature experience by aesthetic education.
Together with the International Society for Polyaesthetic Education, the Catholic University of Applied Sciences North Rhine-Westphalia is organising a two-day symposium at its Cologne location. Whether nature or the arts, both often touch people intensively and sustainably. Students and experts will explore the hidden backgrounds of these aesthetic touches during the two days. Experience and acting out, perception and expression are the complementary components of Polyaesthetics. Reflection from other perspectives can lead to deeper aesthetic perception. Polyaesthetics calls this phenomenon "multi-perception".
Participation in the conference is possible on site, as far as places are available. Online participation is available. Registration is obligatory. Please use the contact-form of the website.
The conference investigates the following research questions:
What experiences of sensual touching do students report who have worked productively on their own in projects on "First visit with a group of young people to a museum" or in projects on "Transforming into the arts, how nature affects"?
What similarities and differences can the feedback of the participating students from the two approaches museum and nature reveal, what can be concluded?
Depending on the course of work, the participants choose from further research questions:
Do the experiential feedbacks of sensory touching differ between young people with impairments and those without impairments; if so, how?
Has anything that moves the senses changed since the Corona pandemic's distance regulations? If so, how can it be described?
With international participation, the conclusions of diverse cultural provenance and intercultural comparisons are of interest. Presentations and statements by international experts will complement the programme.
The experiences and results will serve as a basis for answering the question "What is the impact of interacting with art ?" from the perspective of professional work in the social, pedagogic and other professions.
State of planning July, 15th, 2021, programme modifications reserved.
2022: 40 Year Anniversary of the International Society for Polyaesthetic Education
We are working on the preparations for the events to mark
- the 40th anniversary of the International Society for Polyaesthetic Education,
- 40th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute for Polyaesthetic Education and Integrative Music Education;
- we remember the founder of “Polyaesthetic Education”, rector of the University Mozarteum Salzburg, due to the 20th anniversary of his passing away in 2002.
We hope to win the University Mozarteum Salzburg as an event partner. We will keep you informed.
Cooperation with "Expressive Arts”
The European Graduate School Saas-Fee, Switzerland, invited Gerhard Hofbauer to give a lecture at the sommerschool. The main topic was the anchoring of polyaesthetics in the theory of "Expressive Arts" according to Paolo Knill. Similarities in the development of both concepts were explored. Participants from all continents interactively interpreted examples of polyaesthetic projects.
The video-recording is accassible on youtube: -> Link to the Video .
About the websites of Polyaesthetics
Furtherone, our website as well may be addressed by
Now the website is presented almost completely bilingual, in German and English. All contributions are waiting to be read, discussed and commented on. Please use -> “Contact us” which is our contact form.
We provide our members with further information, a members' forum, printouts and a e-mail service.
We would be pleased to invite you to become a member and welcome any form of support. All information on becoming a member can be found under „Membership-Info“.
We ask for financial support and outstanding membership fees to be sent to the account AT46 2040 4000 4183 1546 at the Salzburger Sparkasse, Swiftcode (BIC) SBGSAT2SXXX .
With warm greetings from the Board of Directors
and best wishes for a relaxing summer time, relieved from the restrictive conditions of recent months
Gerhard Hofbauer
POLYAESTHETICA 2021-05 Basic Letter 02-en
"The ability to engage with the arts is a must".
More than a month has passed since our first edition of the Basic Letter. Time for a new issue. Herewith we present our Basic Letter, No. 02.
“One of the consequences of a year of a special psychic challenge is the conviction that the aesthetic dimension of life concerns and affects everyone. As essential and indispensable biological immune strength is for the 'chemistry of the cells', as essential it is for the 'chemistry of the whole individual' and its healthy psychological constitution”, we wrote in the first issue of polyaesthetica.
Here is a recent example which underlines our point of view:
The ability to face the arts is indispensable in order to see change, ambiguity and uncertainty as positive productive forces for shaping life and society, because a limitation of the term "education" and the focus on competences in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology "fall much too short", the Salzburger Nachrichten quote a statement of the rectors of the Austrian art universities. (Salzburger Nachrichten: Kunstuniversitäten fordern Investitionsschub. 04.05.2021, p. 10.)
We hope this clear sign gives hope for an intensification of the cooperation with the Austrian art universities, especially in Salzburg, where the International Society for Polyaesthetic Education is located.
can be opened by clicking on their titles.
To return to the current overview, click on -> "News" in the horizontal menu of the website.
In case you cannot find "News" please click the English banner.
G. Hofbauer: Global Warming / Individual Freezing? (en)
„Performing in the arts how nature affects“, the working theme of Polyaesthetic Bildung International is leading the relationship of the individual to all that concerns nature to a crucial point, to a pivot: A revitalised awareness of everything that concerns nature in the broadest sense is intended to help people reposition themselves in their world.
There is no doubt about the urgency of averting global overheating, however and wherever opportunities arise. - But isn't individual coldness spreading wherever we look? Has not physical distancing already demonstrably led to a trend towards 'social distancing'?
Dietmar Jürgens, Vice-president: Projects and teaching offers on "Performing in the arts how nature affects"
Link to the German contribution: Projekte und Lehrangebote zu „In den Künsten zeigen, wie Natur berührt“ im Arbeitsfeld von Vize-Präs. DDr. Dietmar Jürgens
Dietmar Jürgens reports on the project "How Light Embraces Shadow" at the social institution "Villa Gauhe" and on ongoing teaching offers related to the current topic of Polyaesthetic Bildung International.
G. Hofbauer: Info about the websites
The website is now bilingual, in German and English. The conversion of the website to a bilingual structure has been completed. Read the most important details.
A USEFUL REMARK: Some internet browsers do not take you directly to our website when you enter “” in your internet browser. Please try . This should work. We are happy to help out with such problems and are very grateful for advise or feedback.
Gerhard Hofbauer: Remembering the congress “didacta DIGITAL austria, 2019“
Link to the German edition: Erinnerungen an die didacta DIGITAL austria, 2019
In the new article I come back to the conference "didacta DIGITAL austria 2019" and thus to the topic of the Polyaisthesis Symposium 2017 at St. Pölten, “virtu.real. On the Aesthetics of the Digital".
Digitalisation continues to be discussed as a key solution for overcoming current social and, above all, economic challenges. Technical implementation alone cannot be the whole solution is the approach of this contribution. It refers to the introduction of this basic letter polyaesthetica and invites you to read and comment on it.
Orbituary to Prof. Dr. Paolo J. Knill
Paolo Knill, founder of the European Graduate School (EGS) based in Saas Fee, Valais, and acting worldwide, passed away at the age of 89. Read the obituary of our long-time member scrolling down the -> News Section of the English website.
Gisela Brunke-Mayerhofer reflecting on the task “Performing in the arts how nature affects“
Link to the German contribution: Gisela Brunke-Mayerhofer zu „In den Künsten zeigen, wie Natur berührt“
The painter Gisela Brunke-Mayerhofer from Munich shares her response to our topic from her personal perspective as a painter in the IGPE PUBLIC FORUM.
You are invited to share your comments, questions as well as an insight into your activities.
Please use -> “Contact us” which is our contact form.
With warm greetings from the board
and with the desire that we all now successively put the most difficult time of loneliness and distancing through the viral threats behind us,
Gerhard Hofbauer
POLYAESTHETICA 2021-04 Basic Letter 01-en
Spring is coming
Always to be in the mood for new beginnings, as we know from our experience with nature. However, that is attaching particularly our main theme "Expressing in the arts how nature is touching us".
One of the consequences of a year of a special psychic challenge is the conviction that the aesthetic dimension of life concerns and affects everyone. As essential and indispensable biological immune strength is for the 'chemistry of the cells', as essential it is for the 'chemistry of the whole individual' and its healthy psychological constitution.
We have lost people from our professional and private circle of friends and feel for all those who are still affected by the insidious viral infection. More than in previous years, we feel the loneliness of many people, , especially older but also many younger ones in our "progressive" world of life.
But how does Polyaesthetic Education relate to this?
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