Mag. Gerhard Hofbauer, President (2006 until 2012 and since 2016)
Professor for music education and didactics at the Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz (ret.) 

DDr.  Dietmar Jürgens, Vice-President, Secretary
Professor for Aesthetic Bildung at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Nordrhein-Westfalen, Köln (ret.)

MMag. Elfriede Hofbauer, Trasurer 
Pedagogue, Economist, Salzburg 

Mag. Dr. Masayuki Nakaji
Professor for music education at the Gakugei University Tokyo

Mag. Hans Martin Ritter 
Professor em. for music education, theatre and drama at the University of Berlin 

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MMMag. Dr. Andreas J. Ceconi
Consultant tax advisor, management consultant, Salzburg 

Mag. jur. Dr. Claudia Schoiber -Ceconi
Consultant tax advisor, business consultant, Salzburg

The council of IGPE is based on the constitution as „künstlerisch-wissenschaftlicher Expertenrat“ 

The following experts were nominated by the board for the functional period from the year 2022 until 2024:

Dr. Barbara Dobretsberger, Salzburg
Univ. Prof., Head of the Department of Musicology at the University Mozarteum Salzburg,
former member of the board of the interdisciplinary program "Science and arts" of the University Mozarteum and the Paris Lodron University Salzburg.
Expertin for interdisciplinary tasks.

Mag. Dr. Marios Joannou Elia, Pafos, Cyprus.
Composer, artistic manager of musical projects of "cultural capitols" of Europe, of multimedial projects a "the Sound of Kioto"
Expert for Polymediality

Barbara Hielscher-Witte, Berlin
CAGS Dipl., director Expressive Arts Institute Berlin, Germany.
Docent at EGS European Graduate School,
Expert for Expressive Arts of Paolo M. Knill (+ 2020), Prof. em. of Lesley University Cambridge, Mass.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Budapest, Hungary
Univ. Prof. at the Institute of Behavioural Science and Communication Theory, Faculty of Social Sciences and International Theory, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Expert for visual literacy, actual working on the project -> Acting on the Margins: Art as Social Sculpture  (AMASS)

Dr. Otto Neumaier
Univ. Prof. of Philosophy at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, member of IGPE since its foundation.
E-Mail  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Excerpt of the constitution (German)
Auszug aus dem Statut, § 16:
Expertise, Interdisziplinarität, Intermedialität, Internationalität sind Kriterien für die Zusammensetzung des Expertenrats[*].
Als künstlerische wie wissenschaftliche Experten sind Personen zu verstehen, die über einen, den in angeführten Handlungsfeldern der IGPE entsprechenden professionellen Handlungs- und Erfahrungshintergrund verfügen.

[*] Der Text des Statuts verfügt über eine Präambel, dass alle personenbezogenen Termini die Geschlechter gleichermaßen ansprechen.

Mag. Gerhard Hofbauer, President (2006 bis 2012 und ab 2016)
Professor for music education and didactics at the Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz (ret.) 

DDr.  Dietmar Jürgens, Vice-President, Secretary
Professor for Aesthetic Bildung at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Nordrhein-Westfalen, Köln 

MMag. Elfriede Hofbauer, Trasurer 
Pedagogue, Economist, Salzburg 

Mag. Dr. Masayuki Nakaji
Professor for music education at the Gakugei University Tokyo

The presentation of the members of the board please see -> Newsletter 10

Austrian Public Registry ->  Österreichisches Zentrales Vereinsregister ZVR Zahl 892634065

a.o. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Michaela Schwarzbauer
until March 2022: a.o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Allesch (+)

The council of IGPE is based on the constitution as „künstlerisch-wissenschaftlicher Expertenrat“ 

The following experts were nominated by the board for the functional period from the year 2020 until 2022:

Dr. Christian Allesch, Salzburg (+ 04.04.2022)
ao. Univ. Prof. at Institute of Psychology of Paris Lodron University Salzburg (ret.)
Experte for cultural psychology and psychologic aesthetics

Dr. Barbara Dobretsberger, Salzburg
Univ. Prof., Head of the Department of Musicology at the University Mozarteum Salzburg,
former member of the board of the interdisciplinary program "Science and arts" of the University Mozarteum and the Paris Lodron University Salzburg.
Expertin for interdisciplinary tasks.

Mag. Dr. Marios Joannou Elia, Pafos, Cyprus.
Composer, artistic manager of musical projects of "cultural capitols" of Europe, of multimedial projects a "the Sound of Kioto"
Expert for Polymediality

Barbara Hielscher-Witte, Berlin
CAGS Dipl., director Expressive Arts Institute Berlin, Germany.
Docent at EGS European Graduate School,
Expert for Expressive Arts of Paolo M. Knill (+ 2020), Prof. em. of Lesley University Cambridge, Mass.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Budapest, Hungary
Univ. Prof. at the Institute of Behavioural Science and Communication Theory, Faculty of Social Sciences and International Theory, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Expert for visual literacy, actual working on the project -> Acting on the Margins: Art as Social Sculpture  (AMASS)

Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Seierl, Wien
Composer, painter, musician 
Expert for intermediality between the arts 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Köln
Prof. of theory of media at the Catholic University Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany (Katholische Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen, Standort Köln)
Expert for aesthetic and ethic tasks of digital media 

Excerpt of the constitution (German)
Auszug aus dem Statut, § 16:
Expertise, Interdisziplinarität, Intermedialität, Internationalität sind Kriterien für die Zusammensetzung des Expertenrats[*].
Als künstlerische wie wissenschaftliche Experten sind Personen zu verstehen, die über einen, den in angeführten Handlungsfeldern der IGPE entsprechenden professionellen Handlungs- und Erfahrungshintergrund verfügen.

[*] Der Text des Statuts verfügt über eine Präambel, dass alle personenbezogenen Termini die Geschlechter gleichermaßen ansprechen.

Vorstand seit 17.10.2016

Präsident: Mag. Gerhard Hofbauer
Salzburg, Präsident der IGPE 2006–2012 und seit 2016

Vizepräsident: DDr. Dietmar Jürgens
Hochschule Alfter/Bonn und Hochschule Köln

Finanzen: MMag. Elfriede Hofbauer

Dr. Masayuki Nakaji
Gakugei-University, Tokyo, Japan 

FH Prof. Mag. Markus Wintersberger
Fachhochschule St. Pölten, Niederösterreich

Eine Vorstellung der Vorstandsmitglieder erfolgte im  -> Link zum -> Newsletter 10

-> Link zum -> Österreichischen Zentralen Vereinsregister ZVR Zahl 892634065