Orbituary to Prof. Dr. Paolo J. Knill
Paolo Knill, founder of the European Graduate School (EGS), based in Saas Fee, Valais, and teaching and performing worldwide, was not only associated as a member of the International Society for Polyaesthetic Education for many years. He constantly emphasised that polyaesthetics was one of the theoretical foundations of the "expressive arts"-theory he developed.
In September 2020, Paolo Knill passed away at the age of 89.
Since my first meeting with Paolo in Innsbruck in 1980, the exchange of ideas and experiences enriched both sides, personally and institutionally. I am delighted to be involved in the process of reappraising his artistic and scientific oeuvre. This will hopefully reveal the milestones of these encounters once again.
The original therapeutic approach developed into an artistical-expressive educational programme addressing the human being in all its sensitivities. This in turn found its way into the work of some of our members.
We express our sincere condolences to his wife Margo, his family and the large team of the European Graduate School. The personal relationship with Margo Knill and Barbara Hielscher-Witte, who is a member of our Expert Council and is a lecturer at the EGS, may continue the cooperation that has grown so well. This makes us particularly grateful, as it will enable us to keep alive Paolo Knill's oeuvre. And for myself to be thankful for a friendship that has lasted for decades.
Gerhard Hofbauer